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intense atmosphere 意味

"intense atmosphere"の例文


  • 緊迫{きんぱく}した空気{くうき}、張り詰めた雰囲気{ふんいき}
  • intense     intense adj. 激しい, 激情的な. 【副詞】 an emotionally intense experience
  • atmosphere     atmosphere n. 大気; 空気; 雰(ふん)囲気. 【動詞+】 It was a nasty row, but it cleared
  • intense     intense adj. 激しい, 激情的な. 【副詞】 an emotionally intense experience 情緒面で強烈な経験 He is a tremendously intense person. 感情のひどく激しい人だ. 【+前置詞】 She is very intense in her belief in feminist do
  • atmosphere     atmosphere n. 大気; 空気; 雰(ふん)囲気. 【動詞+】 It was a nasty row, but it cleared the atmosphere. それはひどいけんかだったが, おかげでその場の雰囲気がすっきりした The atmosphere was contaminated by radioactivity from the nuclea
  • in the atmosphere    大気圏で、大気圏内の、大気中{たいき ちゅう}の
  • the atmosphere    the atmosphere 大気圏 たいきけん
  • with atmosphere    ムード[雰囲気{ふんいき}?趣{おもむき}]のある
  • especially intense    《be ~》熾烈{しれつ}を極める
  • grow intense    熾烈{しれつ}になる、激しさを増す、極めて大きくなる
  • intense (cold)    intense (cold) 厳しい 厳めしい きびしい いかめしい
  • intense anger    激怒{げきど}
  • intense anxiety    極めて強い懸念{けねん}
  • intense apprehension    強い不安{ふあん}
  • intense beam    強力{きょうりょく}ビーム
  • intense bitterness    激しい悔しさ


  • in such an intense atmosphere ...
    あんな真剣な雰囲気で まさか...
  • there was an intense atmosphere around goshirakawa and yoshinaka , and yoshinaka suggested a compromise solution that if yoshitsune ' s forces were small , he would allow them to enter the capital ( " gyokuyo ," entry of january 7 , 1184 ).
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